Useful Websites

Websites are a good way of exploring the world of children’s literature. These days many authors and illustrators have their own website and it is always worth putting a name into a search engine to see if a site will come up. Many are hosted on publishers’ sites or signposted from information or library sites. You should find the sites listed below helpful.
News and views about children’s books. Information on authors and illustrators.
Alec Williams works as a storyteller, trainer, consultant, writer and speaker.  An enthusiast for children’s reading, his experience managing UK library services has given him an extensive knowledge of children’s books, and the power of stories.
Links to Jackanory, Blue Peter etc. Follow-ups on books appearing on programmes. Games and things to do.
The UK’s leading, independent children’s book magazine, now online. It was launched in 1980 and ever since has been reviewing hundreds of new children’s books each year and publishing articles on every aspect of writing for children.
A children's book discovery site helping visitors find the best books for kids.
Bookstart supports parents and carers to enjoy books with their child from as early an age as possible. The programme is coordinated by Book Trust.
Details of book initiatives, awards and resources.
Useful site for seeing what title is next or what comes where in order of reading.
Site of the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education. Aimed at teachers but useful for all interested in children’s books and reading.
Reviews for and by 10–15 year olds.
Children and Young People Now: a website for those working with children, young people and families.
UK academic Mel Gibson’s site on aspects of graphic novels and comics – useful resource.
Federation of Children’s Book Groups site. A network of book groups founded by parents to further the love of books and reading. Has a useful list of links to topics of interest.
News about latest books. Links to authors/illustrators. Interactive book chooser. Fun and games.
International Children's Book Day (ICBD) is a yearly event sponsored by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY). Founded in 1967, the day is observed on or around Hans Christian Andersen's birthday (2nd April). Activities include writing competitions, announcements of book awards and events with authors of children's literature.
Children's book reviews curated by Reviews Editor together with a panel of teachers, librarians, education consultants and teacher educators.
News and views on books and reading. Reports on initiatives. Of interest to anyone involved in children’s books. Signposting to areas of interest including an area on websites about children’s books and reading.
Access to the biggest children’s book store. Recommendations and lists. Reviews.
Site for information on multicultural books from all over the world, in English.
Independent charity set up to inspire people to read more. Works with local authorities and others to run various initiatives most notably, for children, the summer reading challenge. (formerly ReadingMatters)
Reviews. Also book chooser – a series of questions are asked about what to read – a selection of titles offered as a result.
Interesting "all round" site for young people, parents, teachers and librarians – access to many resources. Reviews and author interviews.
Read On. Get On. is a group of organisations and businesses who have come together to ensure all our children have brighter futures by leaving primary school as confident readers. The website has been created and is hosted by Save the Children on behalf of the Read On. Get On. campaign.
Website for Seven Stories, a gallery and archive celebrating some of the best of children’s books. Open to the public.
Details of Scottish book initiatives, awards and resources.
This resource is a children's book review website with over 11,000 reviews from children, parents, teachers and librarians. Its aim is to help make it easier for children, parents and teachers to find great books.
Directory of authors, illustrators, publishers, organisations.
This website provides ideas, competitions and free activities for parents and families.
Site which gives details about this annual event held in the UK and Ireland in March.


Blogs have become a very important part of young people's lives and are a major form of communication. They are important for spreading the word about books and for sharing books. Don’t forget to share! Authors are doing it, as well as young people who enjoy their books, so it’s another source for exploring further.


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