New authors added to Who Next...?

News, Website updates 27.01.2025

New authors added and the age ranges they write for:

Adam and Lisa Murphy (8-11) Daisy May Johnson (8-11)
Aaron Blabey (5-7 and 8-11) Siobhan McDermott (8-11 and 12-14)
Svetlana Chmakova (8-11 and 12-14) Jack Meggitt-Phillips (8-11 and 12-14)
Bea Fitzgerald (14+) E L Norry (8-11 and 12-14)
Isi Hendrix (8-11 and 12-14) Molly Knox Ostertag (8-11 and 12-14)
Tess James-Mackey (12-14 and 14+) Clare Povey (8-11)

New titles:

A Girl Can Dream by Emily Barr Girl, Goddess, Queen by Bea Fitzgerald Princess of the Amazons by Shannon and Dean Hale The River Spirit by Lucy Strange
A Grimacres Whodunnit! by Alex T Smith Hildafolk Comics by Luke Pearson Punching the Air by Yusef Salaam and Ibi  Zoboi The Storm and the Minotaur by Lucy Strange
Adia Kelbara and the Circle of Shamens by Isi Hendrix Hollow Fires by Samira Ahmed Roller Girl by Victoria  Jamieson The Things We Leave Behind by Clare Furniss
All's Faire in Middle School by Victoria  Jamieson How to Be by Daisy May Johnson Sad Ghost Club by Lize Meddings The Unexpected Tales by Clare Povey
Bad Guys by Aaron Blabey How to Stop the End of the World by Tom  Mitchell Sheets Trilogy by Brenna Thummler The Wanderdays by Clare Povey
Berrybrook Middle School by Svetlana Chmakova If My Words had Wings by Danielle Jawando Sisters of the Lost Marsh by Lucy Strange The Weirn Books by Svetlana Chmakova
Bird Boy by Catherine  Bruton Instant Karma by Marissa Meyer Sisters by Raina Telgemeier The Witch Boy Trilogy by Molly Knox Ostertag
Bun on the Run by Smriti Halls Iris Green, Unseen by Louise Finch Sleep Like Death by Kalynn Bayron Thelma the Unicorn by Aaron Blabey
Cat on the Run by Aaron Blabey Lost Tales by Adam and Lisa Murphy Smile by Raina Telgemeier Things to do Before the End of the World by Emily Barr
Corpse Talk by Adam and Lisa Murphy Magic Keepers by Linda Chapman Someone is Watching You by Tess James-Mackey This Book Won't Burn by Samira Ahmed
Drama by Raina Telgemeier Moonlight Riders by Linda Chapman Star Friends by Linda Chapman This Summer's Secrets by Emily Barr
Dungeon Club by Molly Knox Ostertag My Dear Henry by Kalynn Bayron The Beast and Bethany by Jack Meggitt-Phillips When Things Went Wild by Tom Mitchell
Emmie and Friends by Terri Libenson Paper Dragons by Siobhan McDermott The End Crowns All by Bea Fitzgerald With a Little Luck by Marissa Meyer
Fablehouse by E L Norry Pig the Pug by Aaron Blabey The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag You Wouldn't Catch Me Dead by Tess James-Mackey
Ghosted by Emily Barr Princess in Black by Shannon and Dean Hale    
Gilded by Marissa Meyer      
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